Sunday, October 25, 2020
Journal Entries #4
How I Read #3
Les Mis
Les Mis #10
First Impression
Les Mis #9
First Impression
Friday, October 16, 2020
Les Mis #8
First Impression
Les Mis #7
First Impression
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
How We Read #2
Monday, October 12, 2020
Les Mis #6
First Impression
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Les Mis #5
First Impression
Journal Entries #3
October 6, 2020
How We Read
A) I love reading. Being able to know new words and enjoy the plot at the same time is amazing. If I'm being honest, a cup of coffee lightens ups the mood in a cloudy day and you're just wearing your lazy clothes.
B) Lmao idek the recommendations sorry Mr. Preston
C) The book I've chosen is called "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck, who by the way is a Noble Prize Winner. So far the book is really interesting. It's about a man who lives in China and is ready to marry a servant from the palace and start a whole new life with her.
MSS Part 2
Q & A
1. What is the difference between a sign and symbol? A. The difference between a symbol and a sign is that a symbol can be a deeper and more complex meaning than a sign. A sign is an indicator or marker for something very specific.
2. What are the three elements of the "symbolic relationship (the blue triangle of meaning")? A. Symbol, Referent and You!
3. Is a word a sign or a symbol? (Why?) A. Words are symbols. For example we all have a symbol, our name. It's a way to refer us. When a teacher calls your name out you automatically know its you personally (but then again your last name is needed when another person has the same name as you).
4. Describe one natural sign that you've seen in the world. A. Smoke.
5. Describe one symbol you've seen in the world. What did it stand for? How did you know what it meant? A. Our Sun. Throughout history its meant strength, life and influence. It's also our light to see from the dark. Teachers have taught us the meaning of the sun for a long time.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Les Mis #4
First Impression
Seeds of a Revolution
Q & A
Les Mis #3
First Impression
Again, the Bishop is such a humble man. The fact that after giving away his chariot for the poor and not asking for another and taking a donkey to go to Senez shows how selfless he really is. Also it's funny how the author went from Donkey to a**, like :'). It's really a short chapter so there's not much to say other than repeating myself jesus.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Journal Entries #2
September 24
1. Seriously if Donald Trump appeared at my house I'd genuinely grab the nearest object and whack it on his head. This man has literally corrupted this country by the lack of caring for COVID, racism starting to rise again, unemployment as well. Sometimes I question why people support him? All he does is slander someone on Twitter to inflate his fat ego and tell lies. WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD WANT A LEADER LIKE THAT ?(America I'm looking at you). I hate his a**.
Journal Entries #8
December 14, 2020 Q. What do you do to make yourself feel better? Work out? An extra long shower? Makeup? A special outfit? Please explain. ...

So starting off there's a big difference. The book starts off with the introduction of M. Myriel and later moves on to the real protag...
Yes Reading is supposed to be fun, but sometimes reading for school is a challenge. Here are four ways we can enjoy reading and do it bett...
Exhaustion Lately I've been feeling so lazy. So god damn lazy. Sometimes I forget what day it is or that I have school work. I sometim...