Sunday, October 25, 2020

Journal Entries #4

 October 20, 2020

1. Today is your day! You find a lottery ticket-- THE lottery ticket. After Dr. Preston cashes it for you (you're too young and smart to play the lottery), you have $50 million. What will you do with it?

A. First off I'll thank Mr. Preston for helping me cash it out and give him 10 million. The rest I'll save for my education and pay off loans after I graduate. Suppose I have leftovers, I'll send half of it for my parents so they can take a trip anywhere in Mexico or ty to make them legal citizens :o).

October 21, 2020
2. Remember that fortune you won yesterday? Easy come, easy go. Due to a computer error, 24,999,999 other people also won. That means your winning total $2 (actually, more like 1.35 after taxes). How do you react? What thoughts and feelings do you experience? How will your plane change?

A. Guess I'll give Mr. Preston my $2. Unless if he don't want it I'll buy a mango juice and a small bag of chips.

October 23, 2020
3. Describe an important decision you had to make. How did you do it? What information did you need, and how did you get it? What determined the direction you eventually took?

A. I had to choose between two friends. The whole group one day informed me that one of them were being mean and bullying someone else whenever I wasn't around. I didn't want to instantly take sides without proof so I asked if any could send me dms of that person bullying the victim or record them doing those acts. A day passed by and everyone sent me the nasty comments the bully has said. I immediately confronted them privately and of course they acted like the victim. I didn't fall for their acts and left. I was not going to side with a bully.

How I Read #3

 Les Mis

When Mr. Preston announced that we were gonna read Les Mis, I was very excited. Of course the only downhill is writing about the chapter or answering questions (yes I'm very lazy to do it). But then again you get this cool feeling when you have the answers right. Anyways the book is very interesting and such humble the Bishop is. Now if I remember correctly, Mr. Preston asked us for 3 literary techniques we've seen in the book. From my perspective I've seen foreshadowing, characteristic and imagery. Starting with foreshadowing it's really simple. Just look at the chapters and you can already envision what might happen such as Chapter II-M. Myriel Becomes M. Welcome or Chapter IX- The Brother As Depicted By The Sister. Next is Characteristic. The author really characterizes the Bishop as a humble, kind man. Normally they're all characterized like this but in real life they're corrupted. Also his sister praising him for all the good he has done for other, always being selfless. Lastly imagery. The author details the settings, items and people and you can really envision it right in front of you. For example, the Bishop's house was describe with "worn out" furniture and being small.

Les Mis #10

First Impression

A bit confused on this chapter I may say but damn is the Bishop cold to the conventionary. Long silences, mummering, forced smiles and postures. He wasn't even this rude to the man who was drunk and insulting him but to this guy who's probably the same level of position.


Les Mis #9

 First Impression

It's sweet that the Bishop's sister praises him, writing on the letter that he's a kind man who helps the poor and works in his own ways. She even agrees with him, saying that 'the country is cramped and that they should do more to help others.' Very sweet lady :o)

Friday, October 16, 2020

Les Mis #8

 First Impression

So basically the Senator and M. Myriel were having dinner together since they're both good pals and respect each other. The senator then begins to rant how much he dislikes Diderot and M. Myriel praises his speech. :oP

Les Mis #7

 First Impression

Damn this Bishop has the guts to go and seek the bandits who stole from the cathedral and town (Not even me).  Not to start a war or something, just a simple talk. M. Myriel, before he left explained to the mayor that he would like to go alone with NO PROTECTION. Of course the mayor freaks out and starts to ask questions like "what if you get killed" or "they won't let go off a bishop". But off M. Myriel goes like a gangster.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

How We Read #2


Reading is supposed to be fun, but sometimes reading for school is a challenge. Here are four ways we can enjoy reading and do it better at the same time :o).

1. Read the books that you love and enjoy! Have fun re-reading the old books you've enjoyed or look for new ones from the same genre.
2. Understand the books that you don't understand. You ain't gonna lose your eyesight or cause other harm. Go ahead and try! Who knows, maybe you might enjoy the new genre. If not that's ok, you'll opinion still stay the same.
3. Reconsider how you define the word read. Enjoy adding dramatic voice overs or something to make the story more alive. 
4. Stop looking for the answers on the page and start developing the expertise and the confidence that will enable you to find them in yourselves. 

( Have a chonky bird :o) )

Monday, October 12, 2020

Les Mis #6

First Impression

So basically it was a tour of his previous house and now his hospital house that he traded. One word to describe the whole chapter, rich.


Sunday, October 11, 2020



Lately I've been feeling so lazy. So god damn lazy. Sometimes I forget what day it is or that I have school work. I sometimes wish to sleep for a thousand years and not be bothered. Also the fact that I have a Mexican household and y'all already know you can't have your own free time. Momma's be calling you every 5 minutes just for something they can do or siblings running around. Idk I'm just tired. Gn

Les Mis #5

 First Impression

So basically it's "A daily life for a bishop (M. Myriel)". Pretty tight schedules for this bishops has and when little time is spared for M. Myriel, he likes to visit the poor and bless them while taking long walks and deep in his mind. Humble.

Journal Entries #3

October  6, 2020

1. How do you meet people and build relationships? Offline? (Through school/classes)...Online? (Through general social media) Have you made any new friends since the pandemic started?

A. I mostly meet my friends through online. We get along depending on the subject we're both interested in for example art. If I'm honest, not many people have the same interests as me which makes me anti-social and "that kid" type. 

October 7, 2020

2. I'd crush the spider. :o). Jk I'd escort it out safely outside. Sometimes I think that they have a family and probably got lost on its way from work, catching flies and making webs.

October 9, 2020

3. Someone that has been important to me is one of my close friends that I nicknamed them Viccy. They've been the sweetest and caring person for the past 2 years. We've never argued now that I've think about it. Of course we disagreed on things but we laugh it off and respect each other's opinions. Honestly I'm glad I've met them on IG. 


How We Read


A) I love reading. Being able to know new words and enjoy the plot at the same time is amazing. If I'm being honest, a cup of coffee lightens ups the mood in a cloudy day and you're just wearing your lazy clothes. 

B) Lmao idek the recommendations sorry Mr. Preston

C) The book I've chosen is called "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck, who by the way is a Noble Prize Winner. So far the book is really interesting. It's about a man who lives in China and is ready to marry a servant from the palace and start a whole new life with her.


MSS Part 2

 Q & A

1. What is the difference between a sign and symbol?  A. The difference between a symbol and a sign is that a symbol can be a deeper and more complex meaning than a sign. A sign is an indicator or marker for something very specific.

2. What are the three elements of the "symbolic relationship (the blue triangle of meaning")? A. Symbol, Referent and You!

3. Is a word a sign or a symbol? (Why?) A. Words are symbols. For example we all have a symbol, our name. It's a way to refer us. When a teacher calls your name out you automatically know its you personally (but then again your last name is needed when another person has the same name as you).

4. Describe one natural sign that you've seen in the world. A. Smoke.

5. Describe one symbol you've seen in the world. What did it stand for? How did you know what it meant? A. Our Sun. Throughout history its meant strength, life and influence. It's also our light to see from the dark. Teachers have taught us the meaning of the sun for a long time.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Les Mis #4

First Impression

This chapter was honestly very depressing. And I say this because the execution of a man and the rich. Lets start with the execution. The man was found guilty for, "coining counterfeit money, out of love for a woman, and for the child which he had by her." This treason was punishable by death and so the man got with no second chance. While preparing his execution, M. Myriel decided to talk to him even though he didn't know the man. But the conversations they had made them bond together and when the time came for the man to die, it took the bishop a bit to recover. Apart from that trauma, the rich did not care for the poor at all until M. Myriel told them if they don't help now, they won't go to paradise which you could say "traumatized" them and decided to help but still didn't give a lot of money.

Seeds of a Revolution

Q & A

Q: What was it that led the people of France to revolt against the king?

A. Oh there are so many reasons. One can be is because of the high prices of the bread, another because of the expenses of the Queen. Also taxes were raised on the peasants while the aristocrats were dancing while paying only a bit. Thus led to the end of the monarchy in France.

Les Mis #3

First Impression

Again, the Bishop is such a humble man. The fact that after giving away his chariot for the poor and not asking for another and taking a donkey to go to Senez shows how selfless he really is. Also it's funny how the author went from Donkey to a**, like :'). It's really a short chapter so there's not much to say other than repeating myself jesus.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Journal Entries #2

September 24

 1. Seriously if Donald Trump appeared at my house I'd genuinely grab the nearest object and whack it on his head. This man has literally corrupted this country by the lack of caring for COVID, racism starting to rise again, unemployment as well. Sometimes I question why people support him? All he does is slander someone on Twitter to inflate his fat ego and tell lies. WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD WANT A LEADER LIKE THAT ?(America I'm looking at you). I hate his a**.

Btw here's a list of bad things he's done

September 29

2. I only watched like 15 min of the debate and stopped because that literally gave me a headache. After watching a re-cap of what happened, it was basically watching kids fighting over a candy bar. All I know is that there were too many interruptions and did not know what each candidate said.

September 30

3. God I really want to erase this memory but I invited this boy to my party this year and immediately everyone assumed he was my boy-friend. I get that when seeing a boy and girl together seems as if they're a couple but that's not always the case. Anyways my mom started questioning me so much to the point that it made me say to myself that I'm never inviting another boy to my party. We aren't friends anymore but that experience has changed my mind so much. Also I'm a lesbo. qwq.

Journal Entries #8

December 14, 2020 Q. What do you do to make yourself feel better? Work out? An extra long shower? Makeup? A special outfit? Please explain. ...