1. Please describe three examples of symbols you encounter in your life.
A. The bathroom (Female and Male), Jesus cross, and mathematical symbols (+,-,x).
2. Please describe two possible meanings of the green light at the end of Daisy's dock in The Great Gatsby.
A. One possible meaning of the green light is like a "go" sign to go forward like driving a car. Another can mean "green with envy".
3. What are some ways people are similar to animals?
A. Some ways people are similar to animals is that we eat, sleep, talk and think. Sure it may not be the same but we still do it.
4. What is the one major way people are different from every other animal, including other hominid species?
A. Telling stories and inventing ideas that didn't exist in the world. Just imagine coming up with a box
5. How does telling stories -- and inventing symbols -- empower people to organize in large numbers?
A. Telling stories and inventing symbols empower people to organize in large numbers because although you know what one thing means, really you'll fit in with the others. An example is in a Catholic church. Sure you may not go there every Sunday, but you've been there a couple of times that you know the schedule and what the pope will do.

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